Aging & Disability

As the dedicated Area Agency on Aging (AAA), WRCOG exists to provide services and resources to seniors and their caregivers in the Waccamaw Region. The AAA offers the support many senior residents need to continue living comfortable, high-quality lives in their own homes for as long as possible.

WRCOG also serves as the Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) for the region.  The ADRC works to improve awareness of and access to resources and services for seniors, adults with disabilities and caregivers. To view the Resource Directory, contact Trina Cason at 843-436-2110.

Services include:

The agency works with providers to deliver services such as congregate dining programs, home-delivered meal programs, transportation and homemaking programs.

Our providers are:

 Aging Resource Guide Book:

Summer 2024: Click Here



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Waccamaw Regional Council of Governments

1230 Highmarket Street
Georgetown, SC 29440

Phone: (843) 546-8502

Web design by:
Three Ring Focus