The Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) Program was developed in 1974 and designed to help units of local government address social and environmental problems in low income neighborhoods through neighborhood revitalization, economic development and the improvement of community facilities.

CDBG grants are available though the South Carolina Department of Commerce to local governments under four separate categories: Community Infrastructure, Community Enrichment, Neighborhood Revitalization and Ready-To-Go.

The Planning Department assists units of local governments in developing, applying and administering CDBG. Administrative services include application preparation and packaging, environmental reviews, program start-up, procurement and contracting, acquisition, labor standards and financial management.

CDBG Project Categories:

Community Infrastructure

  • Grant maximum: $750,000
  • Grant minimum: $50,000
  • Applications are typically due in April

This program contributes to the creation of healthy and sustainable residential communities through water, sewer, roads, drainage and other activities that aim to address health concerns within the community, create a more viable regional infrastructure solution or upgrade infrastructure to address quality standards.

Community Enrichment

  • Grant maximum: $500,000
  • Grant minimum: $50,000
  • Applications are typically due in September

This program funds facilities, services, and other activities that strengthen existing communities through education and workforce development, by increasing economic competitiveness, or by making communities safer and healthier.

Neighborhood Revitalization

  • Grant maximum: $500,000
  • Grant minimum: $50,000
  • Applications are typically due in September

This program is designed to assist in the development of sustainable communities through revitalization of in-town residential neighborhoods.

Ready-to-Go Projects

  • Grant maximum: $500,000
  • Grant minimum: $50,000
  • Applications accepted on an ongoing basis

This program addresses urgent or compelling community needs in order to stimulate the local economy. Ready-to-go projects require an upfront investment in local and other funds for planning, project design and permitting. All pre-bid activities must be completed prior to applying for this program.

Projects in the Region

  • The expansion and renovation of the Andrews Branch Library
  • The Georgetown West End revitalization project
  • Water extensions for the Town of Hemingway
  • The Annie Village sewer project

For more information on the application process or the implementation of CDBG projects, please view the 2014 Application Guidelines and the 2013 Implementation Manual.

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Waccamaw Regional Council of Governments

1230 Highmarket Street
Georgetown, SC 29440

Phone: (843) 546-8502

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Three Ring Focus