HOME Consortium
The Waccamaw HOME Consortium is a regional entity established for the purpose of receiving HOME Investment Partnerships Program funding. The HOME Program was created by Congress in 1990 and is administered by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The Council’s three counties and their municipalities formed a Consortium to receive HOME funds directly on behalf of the region. Waccamaw Regional administers these funds on behalf of the Consortium and offers low interest loans and grants to non-profit and for-profit developers for the creation of affordable housing.
The 2017 Annual Action Plan identifies programs and details funding to address regional housing needs. Once approved by HUD, the 2017 Annual Action Plan becomes a part of the Consortium’s 5-Year Consolidated Plan.
Public Hearing – CAPER September 9, 2021 at 6:00 PM
The Council’s Citizen Participation Plan (PDF) outlines the process for allocating and notifying the public. Yearly a NOTICE of FUNDING AVAILABILITY is published which notifies the public of the application proposal process and forms. Once funding proposals are received, they are reviewed by a committee of housing professionals who make funding recommendations which are approved by the Council’s board.
2017 Notice of Funding Availability
A 5-Year Consolidated Plan is required by HUD to receive HOME funds. The plan is a culmination of community-identified needs, economic and housing data and an Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing. This information is used to develop a plan to address specific housing needs.
The 2020 Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report identifies projects/activities for which Federal HOME funds were expended during program year 2020.
The Waccamaw Regional Housing Needs Assessment provides an examination of the state of housing throughout the region and priorities for improvement.