Economic Development Administration Grants

The Economic Development program at WRCOG concentrates its concerns on the continued economic progress of Georgetown, Williamsburg and Horry counties. Regional activities are closely associated with Economic Development Administration (EDA) programs designed to create employment opportunities by encouraging private enterprise to locate and expand businesses in economically distressed areas. The Council assists local governments and other groups in developing  proposals and obtaining EDA grants and loans.

Investment Programs

Public Works
Empowers distressed communities to revitalize, expand and upgrade their physical infrastructure to attract new industry, encourage business expansion, diversify local economies and generate or retain long-term private sector jobs and investment.

Economic Adjustment Assistance Program
Assists state and local interests to design and implement strategies to adjust or bring about change to an economy. The program focuses on areas that have experienced or are under threat of serious structural damage to the underlying economic base.

Research and National Technical Assistance
Supports research of leading edge, world class economic development practices as well as funds information dissemination efforts.

Local Technical Assistance
Helps fill the knowledge and information gaps that may prevent leaders in the public and non-profit sectors in distressed areas from making optimal decisions on local economic development issues.

Partnership Planning
Help support local organizations (Economic Development Districts, Native American tribes, and other eligible areas) with their long-term planning efforts and their outreach to the economic development community on EDA’s programs and policies.

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Waccamaw Regional Council of Governments

1230 Highmarket Street
Georgetown, SC 29440

Phone: (843) 546-8502

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Three Ring Focus