Job Seeker Services
The Workforce Development Department operates three full-service SC Works Centers located in Conway, Georgetown and Kingstree. SC Works centers are user friendly facilities which provide job seekers access to a variety of employment and training services all under one roof. Whether an experienced worker returning to the workforce or a student looking for a first job, all services are offered at no cost.
Job seeker services include:
- Job search assistance
- Intensive career counseling
- Skills assessments
- Résumé development
- Employability workshops
- Educational and occupational skills training
- On-the-job training, during which the WIA reimburses employers for a portion of a trainee’s wages
- On-site transition services and information for employees affected by layoffs or a company closing
- Pre-employment training to help the unemployed and underemployed learn skills necessary to fill specific high-demand jobs in their communities
For more information about the Workforce Investment Act and how to apply for training assistance, please visit
To register for job searches, find résumé assistance, and explore other possible training opportunities, please visit