Employer Services
The Workforce Development Department operates three full-service SC Works Centers located in Conway, Georgetown, and Kingstree. SC Works Centers are user friendly facilities which provide employers access to trained workers in the region. To register a business, post jobs, and review resumes, visit SC Works.
Employers Services include:
- Access to pre-screened job applicants and online resumes
- On-the-Job Training services
- Job/career/hiring events and fairs
- Pre-employment training to help the unemployed and underemployed learn skills necessary to fill specific high-demand jobs in their communities
- On-the-job training, during which the Workforce Investment Act reimburses employers for a portion of a trainee’s wages
- On-site transition services and information for employees affected by layoffs or a company closing
SC Labor Market Information (LMI) – Employment statistics, job forecasts, wages, demographics, and other labor market information is available to help employers, public and private organizations, and researchers better understand today’s complex workforce.