Air & Water Quality

Air Quality

Air pollution is becoming a more significant issue in South Carolina as we are faced with the challenges of complying with national air quality standards. It is imperative that we meet these standards while still promoting the economic well-being of the state.

Air Quality Coalition

The WRCOG Air Quality Coalition is one of seven regional groups in South Carolina dedicated to improving the state’s air quality. The Waccamaw Air Quality Coalition was formed to serve as a forum to discuss air quality concerns and ideas for the tri-county region (Georgetown, Horry, Williamsburg counties). The coalition serves as a resource to exchange information about regional air quality concerns and to obtain input from stakeholders as we work to address these issues in a coordinated and proactive effective manner. The Coalition meets quarterly and is open to any member of the public, local industry, municipality, or other agency that has an interest in air quality issues.

Palmetto Air Quality Collaborative (PAQC)

The Palmetto Air Quality Collaborative (PAQC) is a 4-year planning initiative to develop innovative strategies to reduce greenhouse gases (GHG) and air pollution in South Carolina. This initiative intends to lay the groundwork for lowering air emissions, engaging communities, and supporting workforce and economic development opportunities. The PAQC is co-led by the SC Office of Resilience (SCOR) and SC Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) and is funded through the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Climate Pollution Reduction Grant (CPRG) program.

PAQC Webpage

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Statewide Early Action Plan

In South Carolina, 45 of the 46 counties are participating in an Early Action Plan, in partnership with the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) Bureau of Air Quality (BAQ). The WRCOG region is in attainment with all air quality standards in the Federal Clean Air Act and its amendments. The three counties, however, agreed to enter a statewide partnership in 2002 to proactively address air quality issues before they become a problem. The Early Action Plan determines what actions must be taken at the state and local level to ensure compliance with recently adopted federal regulations regarding ozone emissions.

Georgetown County
Horry County
Williamsburg County

South Carolina Air Quality Information and Related Links

South Carolina’s air quality has improved with the help of its citizens and clean air coalitions.  For more information on South Carolina’s clean air coalitions, local government councils, or other groups dedicated to improving our state’s air quality, please see the Ozone Advance webpage.

2023-2024 SC Ambient Air Monitoring Network Plan

South Carolina Ambient Air Monitoring Station Map

SC Department of Health and Environmental Control

The U.S. Air Quality Index, or AQI, is EPA’s tool for communicating daily air quality. It uses color-coded categories and provides statements for each category that tell you about air quality in your area, which groups of people may be affected, and steps you can take to reduce your exposure to air pollution. It’s also used as the basis for air quality forecasts and current air quality reporting.

Click Here To Get Air Quality Data Where You Live

Water Quality

Section 208 Water Quality Management Plan

The principal objective of the Section 208 program is to maintain and improve water quality as it relates to the classification of surface waters in the Waccamaw Region. The program is funded by local 208 partner management agencies, supplemented by 205J grant funds from the Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC). Through an on-going agreement with DHEC, the Section 208 Program Coordinator reviews all wastewater permit applications in the Waccamaw Region to ensure that they are consistent with goals of the Waccamaw Region Section 208 Water Quality Management Plan.

Section 208 Conformance Review

The Section 208 Program Coordinator works with sewer providers to identify cost effective, environmentally sound alternatives to upgrade/expand wastewater treatment facilities in the Waccamaw/AIWW System and other parts of the region. The Program Coordinator also works with local governments on non point source pollution issues.

Fillable 208 Review Form

208 Review Form Example

Contact Chelsea Cogliano, Section 208 Program Coordinator, at 843-546-8502 for more information or to submit a 208 Conformance Review.

2018 Hog Inlet- Dunn Sound Creek Watershed Plan

The Hog Inlet- Dunn Sound Creek Watershed Plan was made possible by a 319 grant funded by SC DHEC. Project partners include Horry County Stormwater Department, North Myrtle Beach, and the Horry Soil and Water Conservation District. The primary focus of this planning effort is to address the fecal coliform bacteria water quality impairments which have resulted in Shellfish Harvesting restrictions within the estuary.

2014 Murrells Inlet Watershed Plan

The Murrells Inlet Watershed Plan was made possible by a 319 grant funded by SC DHEC. The plan was developed by the Waccamaw Regional COG in partnership with Murrells Inlet 2020, Horry County Stormwater, Georgetown County Stormwater, Coastal Carolina University’s Waccamaw Watershed Academy and the Earthworks Group, Inc. The primary focus of this planning effort is to address the fecal coliform bacteria water quality impairments which have resulted in Shellfish Harvesting restrictions within the estuary.

Murrells Inlet Watershed Plan

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Waccamaw Regional Council of Governments

1230 Highmarket Street
Georgetown, SC 29440

Phone: (843) 546-8502

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